Thursday, September 07, 2006

iPod Shuffle Folly

As I mentioned before, for someone who doesn't listen to (Western) music, I'm fascinated with mp3 players. While not exactly belonging to the pro-iPod crowd, I respect Steve Jobs. But the iPod Shuffle is really most people should avoid like the plague as it has a very limited use. But you might say that's me bashing Apple. Actually, I'm lusting over the iPod Nano (since my existing mp3 player is HD-based), at least until the Sansa e280 arrives and manages to win its legal battle.

Let's start off with the iPod Shuffle's strengths. One, it's flash-based, which means I can jog with the thing and there's no fear that I'll either break it or make it crash. Second is its sleek design notable of most Apple products. Normally, that will do for most low-end mp3 players but it's not what the iPod has that I'm complaining about. It's what it doesn't have: a screen.

A friend described the iPod Shuffle as being for people who have "free spirits". The fact that it doesn't have a screen to navigate is remedied by the fact that the iPod Shuffle lives up to its namesake: music is perpetually randomized. Now there's nothing wrong with randomized music to a certain extent, but an mp3 player which forces you to be perpetually on random limits its uses. People, for example, listen to music depending on their mood. If I throw in a bunch of music in, how will the iPod Shuffle know which kinds of music I'm in the mood for? The ones I think who benefit the most from the device are the types who stick to a certain genre or theme: either it's all rock, all pop, all sentimental, all metal, etc. I can even imagine that it 's the perfect workout mp3 player, as you can pop it with your favorite "energy" music, or anything from the 80's fitness era. But unless you're that type of person, the iPod Shuffle isn't for you if you're more of the diverse type. Imagine hoping to listen to a soothing song after your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you, and then you get Britney Spears when you hit play.

Of coursre you could always use it as a glorified flash drive. But honestsly, there are cheaper, more functional mp3 players out there that aren't as limiting. Or simply save up for an iPod Nano.

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