Thursday, September 07, 2006

Here Be Dragons

In one of the scenes in the Lord of the Rings DVDs, those involved in production made a comment at how their miniatures weren't miniatures at all: they were big-atures. That perfectly describes the Colossal Red Dragon above.

I was strolling through Virra Mall and I saw that the Colossal Red Dragon, along with its smaller sibling the Gargantuan Black Dragon, up for sale. The regular-sized miniatures (Medium-Sized if you want to know what their designated size is called) are 1x1 miniatures. Next up on the scale is Large, which is 2x2, and then Huge which is 3x3. The Colossal and Gargantuan sizes are next up the ladder, and the picture above does no justice.

A Medium-Sized miniature is around as large as the screen of my cellphone. Compare that to the Colossal Red Dragon which is bigger than my backpack. Geek-worthy indeed. Now if only I had P5,000.00 to spend. Or if I still played D&D...

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