On non-personal plugs, everyone should read this nonfiction piece by writer/rockstar Lourd de Veyra about the experience of losing books to the recent typhoons.
After the long, grueling days of cleaning up after September 26, I came up with my own: Books That Are Too Important To Throw Away So You Hold On To Them Even If They Smell Like Shit, Books That You Never Even Thought You Owned, Books You Hail As Masterpieces But Can’t Even Remember A Single Passage, Books That Have Water Lilies Between Pages How The Hell Did They Get There?, Books So Unbelievably Moldy They Should Be Donated To A Bio Lab, and Books So Filthy You Get Sick Just By Looking At Them.And from the Behance Network:

- The Agony Column has a recording of 2009 World Fantasy Convention Panel Podcast with Danel Paul Olson (moderator), J. Kathleen Cheney, Laura Anne Gilman, Thomas S. Roche, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.
- Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs interviews J.C. Hutchins.
- The Creative Penn interviews J.C. Hutchins (podcast).
- Realm Lovejoy interviews agent Diana Fox.
- The Sofanauts episode with Peter Watts and Paul di Filippo (podcast).
- My Favourite Books interviews Lou Anders.
- ActuSF has interviews from video interviews from Utopiales 2009 including Hal Duncan.
- The Dragon Page interviews Cherie Priest (podcast).
- Off the Hook interviews Cory Doctorow (podcast).
- Odyssey Workshop interviews Gregory Frost.
- Missions Unknown interviews Jason Limon.
- Shareable interviews Kim Stanley Robinson. (via Locus Magazine)
- Tor.Com interviews Professor Kelly Joyce (Part 2).
- Storytellers Unplugged Q&A with Sarah Monette.
- Politics Daily on Same Old Story: Best-Books Lists Snub Women Writers. Related: Matthew Cheney on Jury, Meet Peers.
- Rich Horton's Summary: Shadow Unit, 2009.
- Hal Duncan on Notes from New Sodom: On Blood, Bad Boys and Bottoms.
- Sean Wallace on Slushreading and Slushreading Systems.
- Kameron Hurley on Surviving the Book Contract that Wasn’t.
- Tobias Buckell on The finances of freelancing: some gritty systems details for the geeky. (via Matt Staggs)
- The New York Times on Field Guides to Fairies.
- Mary Robinette Kowal on The Eight Worst Anachronisms in Fantasy.
- Damien G. Walter on Serious Fantasy.
- Cory Doctorow on Teen Sex.
- Rima Abunasser on A Day in the Life of a Literature Professor, or Why I Do What I Do.
- Jim C. Hines SF/F Humor Roundup: 2009.
- Victoria Strauss on Rights and Copyright.
- T.J. McIntyre on About Writing.
- Jason Sanford on The Interzone Sampler.
- Graham Sleight on Tipping-Point.
- Shawn Speakman on Discovering the Title.
- Editorial Anonymous on Fragile: Contains Dreams. Please Do Not Bend, Fold, or Crush.
- Juno Books on Will Closing Waldenbooks, etc. Really Hurt?
- Juliette Wade on Measures of Intelligence.
- Arthur D. Hlavaty offers Personal Scholarship for PoC to Attend ICFA #31.
- Realms of Fantasy February 2010: Cover & TOC.
- Realms of Fantasy Art Department: Latest Artists.
- RIP: Karl Kroeber 1926-2009.
- Warhammer 40,000 Movie Announced.
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