And here's a techie device that's drool-worthy even for writers: a 256 GB Flash Drive!
For your zen photo of the day, here's the Eclipse in Hong Kong taken by Crystal Koo:

- Maria Schneider interviews Julie Kraut.
- Lou Anders interviews Christopher Yost and Pasqual Ferry.
- Mihir Wanchoo and Liviu Suciu interview Liz Williams.
- Adventures in SciFi Publishing interviews JC Hutchins.
- SF Signal's Mind Meld: What are some of your favorite short stories in sf/f/h and what makes them so memorable? (1, 2) Related: Brenda Cooper on Two things that make SF stories well-loved….
- Ekaterina Sedia on Art! Related: Jim C Hines on Fantasy Covers: Doin’ it Right?
- Mike Allen on Horror, Fantasy and the Rhysling Award.
- Ruth Mortimer on Book publishers exploit stars.
- William Shunn on Book Design.
- Altug Isigan on Tense and Tension in Games.
- Jean Hannah Edelstein on Put boring literary evenings out of their misery – with a Death Match.
- David Weber on That Ticking Sound.
- Jo Walton on What do you hope for in a book?
- Greenlight Bookstore on Counting Down, Ramping Up.
- Even Schnittman on Demand Pricing for Ebooks.
- Mike Shatzkin on Aside from the publishers: how the other stakeholders fare as ebook adoption continues.
- Kassia Krozser on Why The B&N Store Isn’t Competition for Amazon.
- Margaret Ronald on Critiques, or how to throw your stories to the wolves and like it.
- Lynne Patrick on Bodies, bodies everywhere.
- Pat Holt on Why Authors are Furious Part 2.
- JM McDermott on Question of control...
- Janet Reid on The trouble with godsends.
- Justine Larbalestier on Why My Protags Aren’t White.
- Rachelle Gardner on Proposal to Publication - Part 3 of 5.
- Andrew Wheeler on Blogging and Publishing Cynicism (yay, I get mentioned by Andrew!).
- Janice Hardy on Re-Write Wednesday: The More the Merrier.
- The 2009 World Science Fiction Convention program schedule. Related: Writers Workshop At Anticipation, Worldcon 2009.
- Carl Brandon Society blog is looking for SF/F Artists of Color.
- Catherynne M. Valente has a Fairyland Contest.
- Bill O'Reilly's Anti-Book Club.
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