- Wet Asphalt interviews Michael Moorcock.
- Science Fiction Musings interviews Jay Lake.
- The Agony Column interviews Jeff & Ann VanderMeer (podcast).
- Hour of the Wolf interviews Jedediah Berry (podcast).
- Nethspace interviews Jeff VanderMeer.
- Tansy Rayner Roberts on Lone Princesses and Girly Books.
- Huffington Post on Science Fiction Goes McDonald's: Less Taste, More Gristle.
- Odyssey Workshop on Writing question: Most useful exercise.
- Jenn Brissett on Postscript to Vitriol.
- Neth Space on The SFF Literary Pub Crawl.
- Missions Unknown on Your Most Memorable SF/F Album Covers.
- Suvudu on Authors Share Once Titles.
- Rachel Aaron on The unexpected perks of publication.
- PJ Nunn on Name Recognition.
- Juno Books on Book Sales Stats: Apples and Oranges?
- Mike Brotherton on Five Reasons Why People Think They Hate Science (and what to do about it!).
- Kate Elliott on When What We Think We Know, Is Actually Wrong.
- Justine Musk on 5 Principles to Remember as You Battle the Demons of Creative Procrastination.
- Janice Hardy on Great Holiday Gifts for Readers.
- John Joseph Adams on Anthologies in the Age of Lightspeed.
- Rosemary Jones on Shared World Fiction: Spinning Stories Out of the Unmapped Bits.
- Joe Sherry on A Golden Age for Short Fiction.
- Pamela Freeman on The Things An Author Does.
- Shaun Duke on Science Fiction Ain’t Dead (So Shut Up).
- Jason Sanford on Positively positive that positive SF doesn't have to be positive to be positive.
- The Intern on the (book promotion) gods must be crazy.
- Sam Elliott, Philip Pullman Says Religious Right Blocked Golden Compass Sequel.
- DreamWorks announces Kung-Fu Panda writers for Gil’s All Fright Diner.

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