
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Win a Copy of Last Dragon

JM McDermott managed to snag an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of his own book (which is a story in itself), Last Dragon. Here's the contest rules:
I will choose the winner myself.

To win a personalized, autographed ADVANCE READING COPY, I want you to send me your favorite original sonnet, villanelle, sestina, limerick, or triolet about (naturally) LAST DRAGONS.

Winner and as many runner-ups as I want (and maybe some honorable mentions) will be posted to my cool blog.

Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell your cats. Tell your neighbors. Tell anybody.

Enter as often as you'd like, with as many original entries as you'd like.

Send everything to me at j_m_mcdermott (at) yahoo (dot) com

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for getting the word out!

    I knew I could count on my main man in Manilla!

    Good luck, everyone!
