- Editorial Anonymous interviews Adam Rex.
- I Should Be Writing live from Balticon with John Anealio, Gail Carriger, and Matt Wallace (podcast).
- The Shirley Jackson Awards interviews Quentin S. Crisp.
- Small Beer Press profiles Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud.
- Richard Fife interviews Brandon Sanderson.
- Monica Valentinelli on Social Media and Your (Lack of) Privacy.
- Daniel W. Koon on Our [Hu]man in Havana.
- Larry Nolen on The New Myopia: Quick Thoughts on the Limitations of Genre Coverage.
- Steven Harper Piziks on Writing Nowadays–Who You Know.
- Madeleine E. Robins on Privileging the Pretty.
- Mike Brotherton on Where is the Food of the Future?
- Janice Hardy on Real Life Diagnostics: Show vs. Tell, Part Two.
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Some great links here, as usual. Thanks for sharing.