
Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, 2010 Links and Plugs

Bad news regarding Kage Baker here. To quote Jeff VanderMeer:
There’s no getting around just how much this sucks. Kage is a lovely human being and a writer who has given a lot of us many hours of rapt enjoyment. She’s also a very humorous writer, and I hope that her sense of humor is helping her a little bit in these extreme circumstances. (In typical Baker fashion, when, not knowing she had cancer, we queried about her contribution to the forthcoming Lambshead Cabinet of Curiousities, she replied in part that she wasn’t up to it unless we wanted her as medical specimen.)

If you want to drop her a line or send her something (you really should), the information on how to do so can be found here.
As for today's news, the elephant in the room is the iPad. Here's a quick rundown.

In local news, as far as speculation is concerned, since Neil Gaiman is dropping by the Philippines in March, maybe we'll finally see the Fully Booked Awards again.

I'm a sucker for the contributors:

The Book of Dreams edited by Nick Gevers

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