
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 2010 Blog Announcements

Hi! I just want to make some announcements with regards to the blog.

If you read today's interview (with the talented Angela Slatter, no doubt), you'll notice that I didn't include the header "Every Tuesday...". Unfortunately, as much as I love doing interviews--and I surprisingly managed to churn out one every week in 2009--right now, I have several new projects that needs my attention and prevents me from doing interviews on a regular basis.

That's not to say there won't be future interviews on the blog. I'm conducting a few right now and I'm saving them for the latter half of the year, when I can hopefully continue my "regular" Tuesday interviews.

In the meantime, I'll still be doing interviews for other sites. There's still the World SF News Blog, SF Signal, and The Nebula Awards Blog. Hopefully even the Shirley Jackson Awards Blog, if they invite me contribute again this year.

Thanks for all the support you readers have given me. Personally, I'm still surprised when people say yes when I ask them if I can interview them for the blog.

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