On less optimistic news, Jeremiah Tolbert's aunt needs help.
- Publishing Trends interviews Juliet Ulman.
- Monica Valentinelli on Why Not Every Book Promotion Will Work For Your Book.
- Jo Ann Vicarel on When Mysteries Invade Science Fiction and Fantasy...
- Shine Anthology on Crazy Story Ideas, part 4A: Ageing in the EU.
- Jeff Gerke on Show or Tell?
- Megan Messinger on MacVampire Production Diary: T minus 10.
- Jason Henninger on Luke, I Am Your Spoiler Warning!
- NK Jemisin on Push It! (just not too much).
- Nancy Jane Moore on A Copyright Exception for Continuing the Conversation?
- Editorial Anonymous on Bookstores and Not-Bookstores.
- Sharon Wheeler on Think Before You Twitter.
- Justine Larbalestier on Pontificating About How Writers Get Paid.
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch on The Freelancer’s Survival Guide: Money, Part Four.
- Jennifer Fulwiler on How to Build Traffic on Your Blog, Part 2.
- Steve & Melanie Tem on How Much Do You Need to Start?
- Eric Rosenfield on How to Write a Book in Three Days: Lessons from Michael Moorcock.
- Free fiction samples now available online from PS Publishing!
- James Frey Collaborating on a Novel for Young Adults, First in a Series.
Good ones today, Charles!