Every Wednesday, I have an essay on any topic that catches my fancy!
I signed up for Twitter a few weeks back and the presence of the SF&F community there isn't lacking. Twelfthhouse compiled a list of authors on Twitter and there's a couple of online articles compiling personalities to follow on Twitter (Sci-Fi Wire and Tech Republic for example) so I thought I'd come up with my own that's focused on the SF&F genre. Not that this list is comprehensive (it's definitely not original) but hopefully it's a start for fans who are curious about Twitter. (The categories are also approximations, especiallly for those publisher cum editor cum writer types.)
Abyss_Apex - Abyss & Apex Maagzine
AMidsummerNight - A Midsummer Night's Press
angryrobotbooks - Angry Robot Books
ApexBookCompany - Apex Publications
bantamspectra - Bantam Spectra
chizinepub - ChiZine Publications
circletpress - Circlet Press
DelReyBooks - Del Rey
EosBooks - Eos Books
erictreynolds - Publisher of Hadley Rile Books
jlassen - Co-publisher of Night Shade Books
Krasnostein - Publisher of Twelfth Planet Press
LonesomeRobot - Lonesome Robot Press
Marc_Gascoigne - Publishing Director of Angry Robot Books
Norilana - Norilana Books
oldcharliebrown - Publisher of Prime Books
orbitbooks - Orbit Books
planetstoriesTM - Planet Stories
Pyr_Books - Pyr
subpress - Subterranean Press
torbooks - Jen Hill who promotes Tor Books
tordotcom - Tor.com
torforgeauthors - An aggregation of various feeds
TTApress - Publisher of Interzone, Black Static, Crimewave, etc.
BlackGameDotCom - Black Gate
CemeteryDance - Cemetery Dance
clarkesworld - Clarkesworld Magazine
CoyoteWild - Coyote Wild
dropsofcrimson - Drops of Crimson
gudmagazine - GUD Magazine
Ideomancer - Ideomancer
IROSF - The Internet Review of Science Fiction
mbranesf - M-Brane SF
nanoism - Nanoism Twitterzine
outshine - Outshine Twitterzine
StarShipSofa - StarShipSofa
strangehorizons - Strange Horizons
thaumatrope - Thaumatrope Twitterzine
anthobuilder - Anthology Builder
armadillocon - Austin Science Fiction Convention
AurealisXpress - aurealisExpress
BoingBoing - Boing Boing
bookgasm - Bookgasm
bookspotcentral - BookSpot Central
booksquare - BookSquare
bookviewcafe - Book View Cafe
BSFA - British Science Fiction Association
carlbrandon - Carl Brandon Society
fantasysf - Fantasy SF Blog
gaylaxicon2009 - Galaxicon 2009
Hypericon - Hypericon
interstitialart - The Interstitial Arts Foundation
io9 - io9
MystGalaxyBooks - Mysterious Galaxy
SFAwardsWatch - SF Awards Watch
SFFAudio - SFFAudio
sfsignal - SF Signal
sfwa - SF&F Writers Of America
Shineanthology - Shine Anthology
suvudu - Suvudu
TheHugoAwards - The Hugo Awards
worldcon - Worldcon
2muchexposition - Liz Gorinsky
AurealisEd - Stuart Mayne
carissathorp - Carissa Thorp
cromercrox - Henry Gee
ericmarin - Eric Marin
johnjosephadams - John Joseph Adams
johnklima - John Klima
JonathanStrahan - Jonathan Strahan
kaolinfire - Kaolin Fire
KathrynC - Kathryn Cramer
LeeAHarris - Lee Harris
martyhalpern - Marty Halpern
mythicdelirium - Mike Allen
nelilly - Nathan E. Lilly
papertyger - Juliette Ulman
pnh - Patrick Nielsen Hayden
SFEley - Steve Eley
thesnowleopard - Paula R. Stiles
tnielsenhayden - Teresa Nielsen Hayden
AdrienneKress - Adrienne Kress
agamisu - Jay Caselberg
al_robertson - Al Robertson
aLeeMartinez - A. Lee Martinez
AletheaKontis - Alethea Kontis
alexirvine - Alex Irvine
aliettedb - Aliette de Bodard
AngelMcCoy - Angel Leigh McCoy
authorjacks - Jackie Gamber
barthanderson - Barth Anderson
brendacooper - Brenda Cooper
BrianKeene - Brian Keene
Cadigan - Pat Cadigan
Catrambo - Cat Rambo
Cbarzak - Christopher Barzak
cdelint - Charles de Lint
Chadbourn - Mark Chadbourn
CherylMorgan - Cheryl Morgan
cmpriest - Cherie Priest
damiengwalter - Damien G. Walter
davedevereux - David Devereux
david_debeer - David de Beer
daviddlevine - David D. Levine
davidfarland - David Farland
dbassingthwaite - Don Bassingthwaite
esedia - Ekaterina Sedia
DeanWesleySmith - Dean Wesley Smith
dianarowland - Diana Rowland
docbrite - Poppy Z. Brite
doctorow - Cory Doctorow
eileen_gunn - Eileen Gunn
EllenKushner - Ellen Kushner
eugiefoster - Eugie Foster
ewillett - Edward Willett
GLValentine - Genevieve Valentine
gordsellar - Gord Sellar
gregvaneekhout - Greg van Eekhout
gryphoness - Erin Hoffman
Hal_Duncan - Hal Duncan
hollyblack - Holly Black
jay_lake - Jay Lake
jchutchins - J.C. Hutchins
jedediahberry - Jedediah Berry
jeffreyeford - jeffrey ford
jeffvandermeer - Jeff VanderMeer
jelundberg - Jason Erik Lundberg
jennablack - Jenna Black
jennawaterford - Jenna Waterford
jennbrissett - Jennifer Brissett
jenwriter - Jen Hayley
JeremiahTolbert - Jeremiah Tolbert
JMMcDermott - JM McDermott
joe_hill - Joe Hill
jon_armstrong - Jon Armstrong
JSCarroll - Jonathan Carroll
jsmithready - Jeri Smith-Ready
JustineLavaworm - Justine Larbalestier
KarlSchroeder - Karl Schroeder
kelleyeskridge - Kelley Eskridge
KenMcConnell - Ken McConnell
KimFalconer - Kim Falconer
koldobarroso - Koldo Barroso
KristineRusch - Kristine Kathryn Rusch
lawrenceschimel - Lawrence Schimel
laurenbeukes - Lauren Beukes
leahbobet - Leah Bobet
lilithsaintcrow - Lilith Saintcrow
LisaMantchev - Lisa Mantchev
Livia_Llewellyn - Livia Llewellyn
mamohanraj - MaryAnneMohanraj
margolanagan - Margo Lanagan
MarkCN - Mark Charan Newton
markteppo - Mark Teppo
MaryRobinette - Mary Robinette Kowal
matociquala - Elizabeth Bear
MattFnWallace - Matt Walace
mightymur - Mur Lafferty
MikeStackpole - Michael A Stackpole
mkhobson - M.K. Hobson
nalohopkinson - Nalo Hopkinson
naominovik - Naomi Novik
neilhimself - Neil Gaiman
neutronjockey - J.K.Richard
nithska - Brandon Bell
Nnedi - Nnedi Okorafor
NorwichGrrl - Catherynne M. Valente
paolobacigalupi - Paolo Bacigalupi
Paul_Cornell - Paul Cornell
pauljessup - Paul Jessup
PaulLev - Paul Levinson'
Paulskemp - Paul S. Kemp
peterstraubnyc - Peter Straub
PGHolyfield - P.G. Holyfield
PhilippaJane - Philippa Ballantine
pinguinus - Carrie Laben
ProfBrotherton - Michael Brotherton
rachelcaine - Rachel Caine
RindaElliott - Rinda Elliott
robcrogers3 - Rob Rogers
robinwasserman - Robin Wasserman
rsdevin - R. Schuyler Devin
Ruth_Nestvold - Ruth Nestvold
salvaria - Conrad Williams
scalzi - John Scalzi
scottedelman - Scott Edelman
scottsigler - Scott Sigler
seanmarkey - Sean Markey
SFcrowsnest - Stephen Hunt
shadesong - Shira Lipkin
shunn - William Shunn
sirtessa - Sir Tessa
spacejock - Simon Haynes
sparkwatson - Ben Parzybok
SPrineas - Sarah Prineas
stephanieburgis - Stephanie Burgis
steph_campisi - Stephanie Campisi
StevenGould - Steven Gould
SusanKelley - Susan Kelley
TeeMonster - Tee Morris
terryandrob - Terry Pratchett
TheKJA - Kevin J. Anderson
timpratt - Tim Pratt
tobiasbuckell - Tobias Buckell
TomPiccirilli - Tom Piccirilli
victoriajanssen - Victoria Janssen
Vylar_Kaftan - Vylar Kaftan
warrenellis - Warren Ellis
wholeexpanse - Michael Phillips
wilw - Wil Wheaton
Kate_Baker - Kate Baker
BlueTyson - Blue Tyson
charliejane - Charlie Jane Anders
ColleenLindsay - Colleen Lindsay
danacea - Danie Ware of Forbidden Planet
darrenturpin - Darren Turpin
deepeight - Matt Staggs
douglain - Doug Lain
drmabuse - Edward Champion
ericrosenfield - Eric Rosenfield
fantasybookcrit - Fantasy Book Critic
fabiofernandes - Fabio Fernandes
grahamsleight - Graham Sleight
Hornswoggler - Andrew Wheeler
IreneGallo - Irene Gallo
jacquesbarcia - Jacques Barcia
Janet_Reid - Janet Reid
jfqbsh - jason quackenbush
JimFreund - Jim Freund
johnottinger - John Ottinger
JohnPicacio - John Picacio
KatMeyer - Kat Meyer
mariaschneider - Maria Schneider
moonrat - Editorial Ass
nethspace - Nethspace
pablod - Pablo Defendini
PaulGrahamRaven - Paul Graham Raven
R_Nash - Richard Nash
SFDiplomat - SF Diplomat
shaunfarrell - Shaun Farrell
SpiralGalaxy - Spiral Galaxy
yodiwan - Yen Cheong
Charles, you're worth your weight in gold! This is great.
Damn! I wish I wasn't underweight... =P
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff, Charles. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, the whole site is fun. Been meaning to tell you for a while.
OMG OMG OMG Kristine Kathryn Rusch reads my blog!
ReplyDeleteIt's only a matter of time before someone goes OMG OMG OMG Charles Tan wants to interview me!
ReplyDeleteYou watch.
Well, I plan on being more than just an interviewer...
ReplyDeleteBut you take full credit for the interviewing part. McDermott made me do it and I've been interviewing ever since.
Hi, Charles. If you're looking to expand your list of SF authors who twitter...you could add me! I go by ewillett over there.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the list, in any event. It's a great resource!
FWIW, Liz Gorinsky belongs in "editors"; she's an editor at Tor.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the corrections!
ReplyDeleteThanks for including me in your list! Very cool!
ReplyDeleteIsn't Budjette technically an SF/F author? :D
ReplyDeleteThere's a list like that on GreenTentacles: http://www.greententacles.com/twitter/
ReplyDeletePeople are even encouraged to add themselves.
Oops... http://www.greententacles.com/twitter/
ReplyDeleteFINALLY I can talk about being sandwiched between Mur Lafferty and Elizabeth Bear in a context that doesn't make me a complete pervert.
ReplyDeletePlease make a note....you're missing Pip Ballantine. Her Twitter address is @PhilippaJane
ReplyDeleteThank you for this sweet directory!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Charles! This is a great job you´re doing! (Hope I can soon jump to the Authors´s section, btw!) :-)
ReplyDeleteI hope I can jump there too!
ReplyDeleteCharles, thanks for the mention of AurealisXpress. The editor of Aurealis Magazine, with which aXp is affiliated, is on Twitter @AurealisEd
ReplyDeleteI'm on the lookout for Aussie SF authors on Twitter. Are you likely to update this list, and would you be interested in a list of those I come up with? A few I've found so far include @margolanagan, @spacejock, and @KimFalconer.
Thanks Carissa! Added to the list.
ReplyDeleteI'm a big fan of Aussie spec fic writers like Anna Tambour and Terry Dowling.
You might be interested to know that a new fantasy-themed twitter novel will be released at www.twitter.com/mythmashed
ReplyDeleteThe prologue is up now and the first chapter will be posted starting on may 4th.
A mention or link would be highly appreciated.
Keep up the good work Charles
@gudmagazine is up as well :)
ReplyDeleteHow do I get my trilogy listed? The Web site is www.SeedsOfCivilization.com and the three books are Tractrix, Tsubute and Triangle. We call them "mystery/adventure with a SciFi twist" and they each take on a different, unsolved archaeological mystery. Books 2 and 3 involove a lot of underwater action.