
Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Freaking Body Chemistry

Ever since I left the hospital last week, I went on a self-imposed diet of congee and pork floss (how's that for bland food?). So imagine one week of nothing but carbohydrates and a little bit of protein. It had so little nutrients that by the time I'm sitting in the toilet, the previous day's meal was condensed into a tiny pebble of shit.

Of course that changed last Wednesday when my nose plugs were removed and I figured I could risk choking on more complex food. I went on a three-day crash course diet of six meals a day (where one meal can be anything from an entire bag of Lay's potato chips to two bowls of rice, strips of steak, carrots, and soup).

Now here's the funny thing. Before my surgery, I weighed 95 pounds thereabouts. By the time I stepped on the weighing scale last Friday, I weighed 99.7 pounds.

So when most people are losing weight post-surgery, I was apparently gaining some.

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