
Friday, May 02, 2008

Plug: Call for Submissions to Likhaan Journal

From The Spy In the Sandwich:
After the launch of the first Likhaan Journal at the last Writers Night, the UP Institute of Creative Writing is again calling for submissions for this year’s volume. The journal is open to fiction, poetry, essay and graphic novel submissions in English and Filipino.

The first Likhaan Journal was edited by Dr. Jose Dalisay, with Drs. J. Neil Garcia and Lilia Quindoza Santiago as poetry and fiction editors, respectively. The volume featured fiction from Alwin Aguirre, Mayette Bayuga, Catherine Bucu, Amelia Lapena-Bonifacio, Charlson Ong and Socorro Villanueva; poetry from Raymond de Borja, Mikael de Lara Co, Francis Arias Montesena and Joel Toledo; essays by Gemino Abad, Exie Abola and Reuel Molina Aguila; a photo essay by Vim Nadera, drama from Rene O. Villanueva and an interview of National Artist Bienvenido Lumbera.

The Likhaan Journal is available for P250 at the UP ICW and at UP Press Bookstores.

The deadline for this year’s submissions is May 31.

Submission Guidelines

1. For its second issue, Likhaan will accept submissions in the following genres, in both English and Filipino:

(a) Short stories ranging from about 12 to 30 pages double-spaced (in 11-12 points Times Roman, New York, Palatino, Book Antique, Arial or some such standard font). A suite of short prose pieces will be considered.

(b) A suite of four to seven poems, out which the editors might choose three to five. Long poems will be considered in lieu of a suite.

(c) Essays (critical, scholarly, and/or creative nonfiction), subject to the same length limitations as short stories, above.

(d) Excerpts from graphic novels, or full short graphic stories, for reproduction in black and white on no more than 10 printed pages, 6” x 9”. Excerpts should be accompanied by a synopsis of the full narrative.

2. All submissions must be original, and unpublished anywhere else. All submissions must be accompanied by a biographical sketch (no more than one or two short paragraphs) of the author, including contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail address).

3. Submissions may be e-mailed to likhaanjournal(at)gmail(dot)com, or posted to The Editors, Likhaan Journal, UP Institute of Creative Writing, Rizal Hall, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, 1101.

4. All submissions should be received (whether by e-mail or post) no later than May 31, 2008.

5. All submissions will undergo a strict pre-screening and blind refereeing process by the editors and a panel of referees composed of eminent writers and critics from within and outside the University of the Philippines.

6. Writers whose work will be accepted for publication will receive a substantial cash payment and a copy of the published journal.

7. The editors reserve the right to edit any and all materials accepted for publication. The editors may also solicit or commission special, non-refereed articles for publication outside of the aforementioned genres and categories to enhance the editorial content and balance of the journal.

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