
Monday, February 04, 2008

Locus's Recommend Reading 2007

In the past few weeks, some friends have been asking me what books I'd recommend to them. Which honestly isn't as easy as it sounds mainly because I don't think books are "universally" good--some books work for specific people while others don't. The key here, I think, is knowing the reading preferences of who I'm talking to. I know what books to recommend to Banzai Cat or Vin for example. For other people, it's a stab in the dark, and I suffer paralysis at my indecision (and it's rude to tell them "read my book reviews!").

Anyway, what's probably going to be one of the most popular links for the day is Locus Magazine's Recommended Reading for 2007. It's a huge list and is a good a start as any.


  1. Hi Charles, is the manga review out of your schedule? Or are Mondays for Manga/book reviews?

  2. It's gone--at least on this blog. You can read them at

  3. Oh, okay. I was wondering if you would do a review on Mangaholix. :) Thanks for the link!
