
Thursday, January 10, 2008

2008/1/10 Fiction/Writing and Tabletop RPG Podcasts

Every Thursday, I post links to various podcasts that deal with the topic of fiction, writing, and tabletop RPGs.

First off, if you're unfamiliar with Tabletop RPG podcasts, check out my article on Finding the Tabletop RPG Podcast For You (alas, my psychic powers failed me so just a few hours after posting that article, I discovered the gaming podcast Geekerati). Last week, there were still some gift recommendations from RPG podcasts like Secret Life of Girl Gamers in Gift Ideas and Gamer's Haven in their Holiday Episode. We also say farewell to the podcast Gamer: The Podcasting but also usher in new gaming podcasts like Discussions from the Closet. On the fiction side, check out Jay Lake (and other authors) on his talk during the Foolscap Writing Workshop as well as ABC Radio National's The Book Show interview with Michael Chabon.

Fiction/WritingTabletop RPG (Mostly)

1 comment:

  1. Also, Vincent offers to answer questions about IaWA here and here.
