
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Filipino Slang: In Fairness

This is a series of blog entries that will attempt to tackle various Filipino slang words that have their roots in English but have been appropriated for our own. I am no logophile though so if you have something to add on my subjective history, feel free to comment. Also, I am constantly looking for words to tackle so if you have suggestions, just leave a comment. Currently scheduled to appear every Tuesday.

One of the ways we've managed to bastardize English is our use of the slang "in fairness". Strictly speaking, the correct usage would be to say "to be fair" but casual talk drops that formality and instead uses "in fairness" as a precursor to a compliment after giving criticism to someone or something. One of the more interesting developments in my opinion is how the term has evolved in local gay lingo. Another alternative to "in fairness" is "in Fairview", where Fairview is a location in Metro Manila.


  1. What about "major major," "friendship" (Uy friendship may balita ako sa iyo!)"Meganon," "as in"
