
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Loosing my Groove

I just came from a three-day weekend, which was preceded by a six-and-a-half-day work week. The problem with each transition is that it takes me quite a while to get back to the work atmosphere. I mean I should be working, working, working instead of blogging, blogging, blogging.

Yesterday was labor day and a welcome holiday. Unfortunately, it was also the premiere of Spider-Man 3 so tons of people were in theaters, myself included. While yesterday was technically a "vacation" for me, I was quite active the whole day.

Here's the background info: my house is in the middle of Mega Mall and V-Mall. It takes me 10 minutes to walk from my house to V-Mall and 15 minutes from my house to Mega Mall. Here's what yesterday was like:

10:30 am - Walk from my house to V-Mall, only to find out that the next Spider-Man 3 screening is at 1:20 pm.

11:00 am - Got tickets to Spider-Man 3.

11:05 am - I decided to go home instead of wait it out for two and a half hours.

11:15 am - Grabbed my bag from the house which had a package I needed to get a quote from Fed-Ex in Mega Mall.

11:30 am - Arrived at Mega Mall. Package is quite heavy. Got the quote from Fed-Ex. Shipping to Singapore isn't as expensive as I thought it would be.

12:00 pm - Home. Grabbed a glass of water and headed for V-Mall.

12:10 pm - Strolling around V-Mall.

1:20 pm - Waited in line for Spider-Man 3

3:50 pm - Got out of theater, headed for home.

4:00 pm - Glass of water, 1-hour break.

5:00 pm - Went back to V-Mall to check email because I had no Internet access at home.

5:30 pm - I'm back home, ate dinner.

5:45 pm - Headed for Mega Mall again, got confirmation from my email to send the package to Singapore.

6:10 pm - At Mega Mall, Fed-Exing the package.

So basically I've been going back and forth between those three places and might I remind you it's the middle of summer (thankfully I am unaffected by the heat). And people wonder why I'm a 95-pound weakling.


  1. Come to think of it, yeah. Back when I was a LOT thinner, I used to do a lot of shuffling back and forth between church and the Cubao malls.

    Hmm... maybe malling should actually become a sport...

  2. Only if the Mall in question is the Mall of Asia. =)

    P.S. You're still thin.

  3. Oh wow~ Thank you for thinking I'm still thin <3

    We should try to get together sometime. I just saw Elbert today here in Eastwood. =3

  4. Okay, I take it back: you walk more than I can. ;-)

    In other words, ang tyaga mo, pare ko! :-D
