
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I've Forgotten How to Write!

Not quite true, but it seems so long since I last had a blog entry that it might as well be true.

I'm currently in the phase of my life where I'm simply unproductive. No books read, no writing done, and there's no money in the bank.

Anyway, the weekend game was a mix of both good and bad. The former because me and my friends got to talk about D&D and created our optimized 20th-level characters. Bad because the game we joined wasn't our gaming group and well, let's just say there were a lot of things that made the game sub-optimal play (I think I should stress that one should never play in a party composed of a dozen players and you know something's wrong when the one taking initiative [the person who keeps track of whose turn it is] asks "when's it my turn?").

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